The Gap Series


Praise for Faith from advance readers:

Recommendation by Kim Sadler

"I finally got to sit down and read ... Faith. What a treat! Though I finished it last night, the images painted by your wonderful writing are still fresh in my mind..."

"...Lean and muscular, strong legs pumping hard, Keshur sprints the distance. Her short, black hair whips in the wind, and she wipes it and the pelting rain from her face as she runs..."

"...Aken enters the cool of the garden and steps onto a narrow stone path. Ahead, shrouded in soft, gray mist, is the sound of a waterfall. It soothes his soul and beckons him..."

"...They slip into Darkwood Tangle and enter the city through a tunnel..."

"Wow. How I admire folks like you who can "see" things in their minds, then capture them on paper for others to see for the first time ever. Being a non-fiction writer, this amazes me!"

- Kim Sadler

Author: If God is Everywhere ... Why Can't I Find Him? (AMG Publishing 2005). Kim is also a guest columnist for The Godly Business Woman Magazine and a former columnist and copy editor for The New St. Pete News, a freelance writer and gifted and seasoned speaker.