
JM Hawks' first book, The Gaps Series: Faith, is complete and being disseminated to Christian and General Audience publishing houses. The Gaps Series: Faith is a fantasy with a Judeo-Christian worldview. The story is a fast-paced fantasy/adventure packed with interesting and complex characters. Both Christian and non-Christian alike will enjoy The Gaps Series: Faith and the action, mystery, and intrigue abounding in the battle between "good" and "evil" brought to vivid life in multi-dimensional characters and a unique setting.

Cover for The Gap Series: Faith
"Faith abounds with intriguing characters that create an imaginative storyline. JM Hawks fills the gap with tight, colorful prose, making me want to follow the characters on the rest of their journey."

- Bryan Davis - Author, three fantasy series

"The book is very well written and fascinating all the way through. I was impressed with the skill that was displayed in setting the environment with words that made it come to life. There is excellent flow in the plot, and the characters really fit the underlying message. ... I thought the ending was spectacular and proper."

- John Moody Presley, PhD. - Author of Code 3-M

"... Faith. What a treat! Though I finished it last night, the images painted by your wonderful writing are still fresh in my mind. ... Wow. How I admire folks like you who can see things in their minds, then capture them on paper for others to see for the first time ever."

- Kim Sadler - Author of If God Is Everywhere...Why Can't I Find Him?

"The writing team of JM Hawks has developed a powerful novel in Faith. ...The novel is rich in action, and imagery-fiction that snatches the attention and delivers positively in the fight for good to triumph over evil. ... Now is the season for this genre to deliver the message of redemption in a new format...."

- Rosemary Upton - Author of Joanna, The Court and the Kingdom, Glimpses of Grace and Writing Strategies

Read More: The Gap Series: Faith

A suspense series about eighteen-year-old Sarai is nearing completion of its first volume.

Read More: Sarai: Spirit of Fear

Colossians 3:23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord ...